Results for 'Eric Morgan Hammer'

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  1.  41
    Logic and Visual Information.Eric Hammer - 1995 - CSLI Publications.
    This book examines the logical foundations of visual information: information presented in the form of diagrams, graphs, charts, tables, and maps. The importance of visual information is clear from its frequent presence in everyday reasoning and communication, and also in compution. Chapters of the book develop the logics of familiar systems of diagrams such as Venn diagrams and Euler circles. Other chapters develop the logic of higraphs, Pierce diagrams, and a system having both diagrams and sentences among its well-formed representations. (...)
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    A solution to the problem of updating encyclopedias.Eric Hammer & Edward N. Zalta - 1997 - Computers and the Humanities 31 (1):47-60.
    This paper describes a way of creating and maintaining a `dynamic encyclopedia', i.e., an encyclopedia whose entries can be improved and updated on a continual basis without requiring the production of an entire new edition. Such an encyclopedia is therefore responsive to new developments and new research. We discuss our implementation of a dynamic encyclopedia and the problems that we had to solve along the way. We also discuss ways of automating the administration of the encyclopedia.
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    Peirce's logic.Eric Hammer - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Peircean graphs for propositional logic.Eric Hammer - 1996 - In Gerard Allwein & Jon Barwise (eds.), Logical reasoning with diagrams. New York: Oxford University Press.
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    Diagrams and the concept of logical system.Jon Barwise & Eric Hammer - 1996 - In Gerard Allwein & Jon Barwise (eds.), Logical reasoning with diagrams. New York: Oxford University Press.
  6. Euler’s visual logic.Eric Hammer & Sun-Joo Shin - 1998 - History and Philosophy of Logic 19 (1):1-29.
    The evolution of Euler diagrams is examined from Euler's original system through the modifications made by Venn and Peirce. It is shown that these modifications were motivated by an attempt to increase the expressivity of the diagrams, but that a side effect of these modifications was a loss of the visual clarity of Euler's original system. Euler's original system is reconstructed from a modern, logical point of view. Formal semantics and rules of inference are provided for this reconstruction of Euler's (...)
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  7. The Diversity of Philosophy Students and Faculty.Eric Schwitzgebel, Liam Kofi Bright, Carolyn Dicey Jennings, Morgan Thompson & Eric Winsberg - 2021 - The Philosophers' Magazine 93:71-90.
    How diverse is philosophy? In this paper we explore recent data on the racial, ethnic, and gender diversity of philosophy students and faculty in the United States. We have found that women are underrepresented in philosophy at all levels from first-year intention to major through senior faculty. The past four years have seen an increase in the percentage of women philosophy majors at the undergraduate level, but it remains to be seen if this recent increase in the percentage of women (...)
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    Reasoning with Sentences and Diagrams.Eric Hammer - 1994 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 35 (1):73-87.
    A formal system is studied having both sentences and diagrams as well-formed representations. Proofs in the system allow inference back and forth between sentences and diagrams, as well as between diagrams and diagrams, and between sentences and sentences. This sort of heterogeneous system is of interest because external representations other than linguistic ones occur commonly in actual reasoning in conjunction with language. Syntax, semantics, and rules of inference for the system are given and it is shown to be sound and (...)
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    Peirce on Logical Diagrams.Eric Hammer - 1995 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 31 (4):807 - 827.
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    The Calculations of Peirce's 4.453.Eric Hammer - 1995 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 31 (4):829 - 839.
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    Towards a model theory of diagrams.Hammer Eric & Danner Norman - 1996 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 25 (5):463 - 482.
    A logical system is studied whose well-formed representations consist of diagrams rather than formulas. The system, due to Shin [2, 3], is shown to be complete by an argument concerning maximally consistent sets of diagrams. The argument is complicated by the lack of a straight forward counterpart of atomic formulas for diagrams, and by the lack of a counterpart of negation for most diagrams.
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    Linear notation for existential graphs.Eric Hammer - 2011 - Semiotica 2011 (186):129-140.
    A linear notation for Charles S. Peirce's alpha and beta diagrammatic systems of existential graphs is presented. These two systems are equivalent to propositional and first-order logic. Some differences between the linear and graphical notation are analyzed, revealing some of the strengths and weaknesses of Peirce's system.
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    Semantics for existential graphs.Eric M. Hammer - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (5):489-503.
    This paper examines Charles Peirce's graphical notation for first-order logic with identity. The notation forms a part of his system of "existential graphs," which Peirce considered to be his best work in logic. In this paper a Tarskian semantics is provided for the graphical system.
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    Symmetry as a method of proof.Eric Hammer - 1996 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 25 (5):523 - 543.
    This paper is a logical study of valid uses of symmetry in deductive reasoning, of what underlying principles make some appeals to symmetry legitimate but others illegitimate. The issue is first motivated informally. A framework is then given covering a fairly broad range of symmetry arguments, and the formulation of symmetry provided is shown to be a valid principle of reasoning, as is a slightly stronger principle of reasoning, one that is shown to be in some sense as strong as (...)
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    The truths of logic.Eric M. Hammer - 1996 - Synthese 109 (1):27 - 45.
    Several accounts of logical truth are compared and shown to define distinct concepts. Nevertheless, conditions are given under which they happen to declare exactly the same sentences logically true. These conditions involve the variety of objects in the domain, the richness of the language, and the logical resources available. It is argued that the class of sentences declared logically true by each of the accounts depends on particularities of the actual world.
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    Shin Sun-Joo. The logical status of diagrams. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, New York, and Oakleigh, Victoria, 1995 , xi + 197 pp. [REVIEW]Eric M. Hammer - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (1):341-342.
  17. Brill Online Books and Journals.Norbert M. le GoodmanSamuelson, Kenneth Seeskin, David Novak, Ehud Z. Benor, Menachem Kellner, Eric Lawee, Michael Zank, Michael L. Morgan & Avihu Zakai - 1996 - Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy 5 (2).
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  18. 1. Preface Preface (p. vii).Michael Dickson, Don Howard, Scott Tanona, Mathias Frisch, Eric Winsberg, Arnold Koslow, Paul Teller, Ronald N. Giere, Mary S. Morgan & Mauricio Suárez - 2004 - Philosophy of Science 71 (5).
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    Weaving the World: Simone Weil on Science, Mathematics, and Love.Vance G. Morgan - 2005 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    "_Weaving the World_ is a well-written and lucid overview of Simone Weil's writings on science and mathematics. This book will be of great benefit for anyone who wishes to pursue Weil's thought in depth." —_Eric O. Springsted, President of the American Weil Society_ "_Weaving the World_ is a detailed account of the philosophy of science and knowledge of Simone Weil. It is a very useful contribution to our understanding of one of the deepest and most incandescent thinkers of the twentieth (...)
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  20.  42
    Eric M. Hammer. Logic and visual information. Studies in logic, language and information. CSLI Publications, Stanford, and FoLLI, 1996 , also distributed by Cambridge University Press, New York, ix + 124 pp. [REVIEW]Isabel Luengo - 1996 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 61 (4):1395-1396.
  21.  29
    Thomas Hobbes, Translations of Homer, 2 vols, edited by Eric Nelson. Clarendon, UK: Oxford University Press, 2008.Dean Hammer - 2011 - Political Theory 39 (1):166-169.
  22.  28
    Roger: A Biography of Roger Revelle. Judith Morgan, Neil Morgan.Eric Mills - 1997 - Isis 88 (4):732-733.
  23.  12
    Critiques d’« art bête » dans les années 1990.Morgan Labar - 2021 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 27 (1):39-48.
    Dans la deuxième moitié des années 1980 s’est développée, dans l’ensemble du champ de la culture, une véritable esthétique de la bêtise. Quelques jeunes critiques d’art se sont alors emparés du phénomène et ont tenté de le théoriser, entre 1994 et 1998, dans les revues les plus lues de l’époque : Flash Art International, Artpress, Frieze. L’étude de ce corpus d’articles (signés par Joshua Decter, Éric Troncy, Jon Savage, Andrew Hulktrans et Jean-Yves Jouannais) témoigne à la fois des mutations de (...)
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  24.  6
    The forge of vision: a visual history of modern Christianity.David Morgan - 2015 - Oakland, California: University of California Press.
    Religions teach their adherents how to see and feel at the same time, so learning to see is not a disembodied process but one hammered out on the forge of human need, social relations, and material practice. Therefore, religions may be studied through the lens of salient visual themes. This book tells a history of Catholic and Protestant Christianity since the sixteenth century by selecting visual themes that have shaped the development of the religion throughout the modern era. Chapters examine (...)
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  25. The Logic of Knowledge Based Obligation.Eric Pacuit, Rohit Parikh & Eva Cogan - 2006 - Synthese 149 (2):311-341.
    Deontic Logic goes back to Ernst Mally’s 1926 work, Grundgesetze des Sollens: Elemente der Logik des Willens [Mally. E.: 1926, Grundgesetze des Sollens: Elemente der Logik des Willens, Leuschner & Lubensky, Graz], where he presented axioms for the notion ‘p ought to be the case’. Some difficulties were found in Mally’s axioms, and the field has much developed. Logic of Knowledge goes back to Hintikka’s work Knowledge and Belief [Hintikka, J.: 1962, Knowledge and Belief: An Introduction to the Logic of (...)
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    When all you have is a hammer: how social justice distorts what we know about racial disparities.John Iceland & Eric Silver - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (5):1073-1092.
    The sociological literature on race operates under the progressive ideological assumption that systemic racism is the predominant cause of racial disparities. This assumption has become “paradigmatic,” shaping the selection of research questions and the interpretation of research results. Consequently, the literature offers a rather narrow “Overton window” concerning what we, as sociologists, know about: (1) the causes of racial disparities, (2) the accuracy and motivation behind the public’s views on race-related issues, and (3) race-related policy preferences. A paradigm shift is (...)
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    Against deep conventionalism.Eric Moore - 2018 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 45 (3):228-240.
    ABSTRACTWilliam Morgan presents two diametrically opposed normative conceptions of sport and athletic excellence from late nineteenth/early twentieth-century British and American athletes. He claims that this example shows that the normative theory of sport presented by broad internalism is false or at least inadequate. As an alternative, he presents the concept of deep conventions, which, he claims, can successfully adjudicate such normative disputes. I argue that Morgan’s counterexample is not nearly so decisive against broad internalism as it might seem (...)
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    Metaphysics to Metafictions: Hegel, Nietzsche, and the End of Philosophy. [REVIEW]Eric V. D. Luft - 1999 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (2):463-464.
    Miklowitz’s central historical thesis is that Hegel’s “bold claims of metaphysics were burst into fragments under blows from Nietzsche’s hammer”. This thesis fails to account for the many profitable readings of Hegel as an epistemologist rather than a metaphysician. In Miklowitz’s reading, Hegel seems to fit the Schopenhauerian caricature of the pompous Schwabian concocting “grandiose... hubristic” pretensions to absolute knowledge “that would have made even Faust blush”.
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    Pearl Judea. Probabilistic reasoning in intelligent systems: networks of plausible inference. Series in representation and reasoning. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo 1988, xix + 552 pp. [REVIEW]Eric Neufeld - 1993 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 58 (2):721-721.
  30.  14
    A hapless mathematical contribution to biology: Chromosome inversions in Drosophila, 1937–1941.Eric Tannier - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (3):1-22.
    This is the story, told in the light of a new analysis of historical data, of a mathematical biology problem that was explored in the 1930s in Thomas Morgan’s laboratory at the California Institute of Technology. It is one of the early developments of evolutionary genetics and quantitative phylogeny, and deals with the identification and counting of chromosomal inversions in Drosophila species from comparisons of genetic maps. A re-analysis of the data produced in the 1930s using current mathematics and (...)
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  31. Biological Individuality and the Foetus Problem.William Morgan - 2022 - Erkenntnis 89 (2):799-816.
    The Problem of Biological Individuality is the problem of how to count organisms. Whilst counting organisms may seem easy, the biological world is full of difficult cases such as colonial siphonophores and aspen tree groves. One of the main solutions to the Problem of Biological Individuality is the Physiological Approach. Drawing on an argument made by Eric Olson in the personal identity debate, I argue that the Physiological Approach faces a metaphysical problem - the ‘Foetus Problem’. This paper illustrates (...)
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    Psychology of Religions and the Books That Made It Happen.Morgan John H. - 2011 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 10 (30):277-298.
    On the centennial of the death of William James (1842-1910), I approached faculty members at eighteen major theological centers of learning requesting them to identify the twelve most important books in the field of the psychology of religion written between James' 1902 classic The Varieties of Religious Experience up to Peter Homan's 1970 Theology After Freud. The request was for each faculty member (by agreement to remain anonymous) to identify the twelve books during that time period (1902-1970) which, in their (...)
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    Conventionalism defended: a reply to Moore.William Morgan - 2019 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 46 (1):98-107.
    ABSTRACTIn a recent article in this Journal, Eric Moore criticized an earlier essay of mine published in this same Journal on two fronts. On the first, he criticized my criticisms of broad internalism for relying on abstract moral principles too far removed from the practice of sport to adjudicate normative conflicts in which disputants cannot agree on what is the purpose of sport. On the second front, he criticized my reliance on what he called Rorty’s “controversial” views of truth (...)
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  34. Stop me if you've heard this one before: The Chomskyan hammer and the Skinnerian nail.Alex Madva - 2023 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46:52-54.
    This piece is a comment on Quilty-Dunn, Jake, Nicolas Porot, and Eric Mandelbaum. 2023. “The Best Game in Town: The Reemergence of the Language-of-Thought Hypothesis across the Cognitive Sciences.” Behavioral and Brain Sciences 46: e261. -/- The target article signal boosts important ongoing work across the cognitive sciences. However, its theoretical claims, generative value, and purported contributions are – where not simply restatements of arguments extensively explored elsewhere – imprecise, noncommittal, and underdeveloped to a degree that makes them difficult (...)
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    Learningjrom models.Mary S. Morgan - 1999 - In Mary S. Morgan & Margaret Morrison (eds.), Models as Mediators: Perspectives on Natural and Social Science. Cambridge University Press. pp. 52--347.
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    The Sound of Slurs: Bad Sounds for Bad Words.Eric Mandelbaum, Jennifer Ware & Steve Young - 2024 - In Shaun Nichols & Joshua Knobe (eds.), Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, Volume 5. Oxford University Press.
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  37. How not to theorize about the language of subjective uncertainty.Eric Swanson - 2011 - In Andy Egan & Brian Weatherson (eds.), Epistemic Modality. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    A successful theory of the language of subjective uncertainty would meet several important constraints. First, it would explain how use of the language of subjective uncertainty affects addressees’ states of subjective uncertainty. Second, it would explain how such use affects what possibilities are treated as live for purposes of conversation. Third, it would accommodate 'quantifying in' to the scope of epistemic modals. Fourth, it would explain the norms governing the language of subjective uncertainty, and the differences between them and the (...)
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    Attitude, inference, association: on the propositional structure of implicit bias.Eric Mandelbaum - 2016 - Noảtus 50 (3):629–58.
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    Reliability in Pragmatics.Eric S. McCready - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    This book considers how observations about the past influence future behaviour, as expressed in language. Focusing on information gathered from speech and other evidence sources, the author offers a model of how judgements about reliability can be made, and how such judgements factor into how people treat information they acquire via those sources.
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  40. Some Aspects of the Metaphysics of Chemistry and the Nature of the Elements.Eric Scerri - 2005 - Hyle 11 (2):127 - 145.
    There is now a considerable body of published work on the epistemology of modern chemistry, especially with regard to the nature of quantum chemistry. In addition, the question of the metaphysical underpinnings of chemistry has received a good deal of attention. The present article concentrates on metaphysical considerations including the question of whether elements and groups of elements are natural kinds. It is also argued that an appeal to the metaphysical nature of elements can help clarify the re-emerging controversies among (...)
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    Human Fertilisation and Embryology: Regulating the Reproductive Revolution.Robert Gregory Lee & Derek Morgan - 2001 - Blackstone Press.
    Based on the "Guide to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990", this volume reviews the regulation of assisted conception including complex moral issues such as abortion, embryo research and cloning.
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  42. Homer and political thought.Dean Hammer - 2009 - In Stephen G. Salkever (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Political Thought. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  43.  13
    Religion, Ethik und Politik: auf der Suche nach der guten Ordnung.Stefanie Hammer & Oliver Hidalgo (eds.) - 2020 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS, Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden.
    Der Band widmet sich den Spezifika des Verhältnisses zwischen Religion, Ethik und Politik in der modernen Gesellschaft. Die versammelten Beiträge klären insbesondere, welche inhaltlichen Verbindungen und institutionellen Trennlinien der (säkulare) demokratische Rechtsstaat erlaubt bzw. auch verlangt. Ob die Politik dabei ihre eigene "Moral" ausbilden muss, weil die ethische und religiöse Kardinalfrage nach dem "guten" Leben ihren Bereich überfordert, wird anhand von zahlreichen aktuellen religionspolitischen Problemkreisen erörtert."-- Back cover.
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    Uncertain times: Kenneth Arrow and the changing economics of health care.Peter Joseph Hammer (ed.) - 2003 - Durham: Duke University Press.
    DIVA new look at Kenneth Arrow’s classic study of the economics of health care: is his formulation still relevant 40 years later?/div.
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    Has Chemistry Been at Least Approximately Reduced to Quantum Mechanics?Eric R. Scerri - 1994 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1994:160 - 170.
    Differing views on reduction are briefly reviewed and a suggestion is made for a working definition of 'approximate reduction'. Ab initio studies in quantum chemistry are then considered, including the issues of convergence and error bounds. This includes an examination of the classic studies on CH2 and the recent work on the Si2C molecule. I conclude that chemistry has not even been approximately reduced.
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  46. How Google Works.Eric Schmidt & Jonathan Rosenberg - 2017
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    The Derrida Dictionary.Simon Morgan Wortham - 2010 - Continuum.
    The Derrida Dictionary is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the world of Jacques Derrida, the founder of deconstruction and one of the most important and influential European thinkers of the twentieth century. Meticulously researched and extensively cross-referenced, this unique book covers all his major works, ideas and influences and provides a firm grounding in the central themes of Derrida's thought. Students will discover a wealth of useful information, analysis and criticism. A-Z entries include clear definitions of all the key (...)
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  48. Filosofen en goeroes; oog in oog met culturele mondialisering.Eric C. Hendriks - 2010 - Filosofie En Praktijk 31 (3):65.
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  49. Twentieth-Century French Philosophy.Eric Matthews - 1999 - Philosophical Quarterly 49 (195):281-283.
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    The failure of reduction and how to resist disunity of the sciences in the context of chemical education.Eric R. Scerri - 2000 - Science & Education 9 (5):405-425.
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